SkyBlue Cross Alternative Health Blog

Thursday 22 December 2011

Natural Treatments for Chronic tinnitus


Chronic tinnitus is a condition that is symptomized by an irritating buzzing racket in the ears. While there are many prescribed medicines available for treating the condition, not all of them seem to be effective, not at least in the long run. Fortunately, there are several chronic tinnitus natural cures which can help you get rid of the problem.
So far, One of the best Natural Treatments for Chronic tinnitus is Tinnitus Miracle (tm): tinnitus, which can be found here

Chronic Tinnitus describes the sounds that sufferer’s experience when diagnosed with the condition.
Tinnitus sufferer’s are said to experience a subjective condition. This means that the noise is audible only to the patient. Tinnitus has been formally linked to a wide range of so-called causal variables. This includes variables such as head trauma, tumors of the ear canal, and exposure to loud noise. Some tinnitus symptoms tend to resolve themselves, however, the chronic tinnitus variety will often result in persistent bouts of buzzing, hissing noise pain.
Many times, regular medical treatments will see little success, this is because the condition tends to be very resistant to traditional medicine. Doctors will therefore misinterpret the condition as ‘incurable’ because they place less belief in holistic treatments due to their emphasis on ‘science’. I will now discuss two highly respected treatments undertaken by chronic tinnitus sufferers.
Research often states that stress plays a major impact in the severity of the condition. The head and neck muscles may become tightened when the subject is under stress, and this can exacerbate the situation. Yoga and meditation are great tools to help you de-stress yourself. This will result in wide recognition amongst sufferers’ that their condition is much relieved.
The cat pose is a hugely popular pose. The subject sits on their hands and knees and arches their back upwards. This is then held for approximately ten seconds, and then this is followed by reversing the arched back (i.e. arching it downwards). Muscle tension is greatly reduced and the patient then feels the benefit of reducing their tinnitus effects. Sufferer’s have been recorded, claiming immediate relief from their symptoms, when using this technique. It is not necessary to join a yoga class for this purpose, but having a trained instructor will speed up the learning curve.
Hearing Aids
Hearing aids is the second causal link claimed to invoke severe bouts of chronic tinnitus. Chronic tinnitus is widely reported to cause greatly reduced hearing. Hearing loss results from a reduced sensitivity to external noise. This may result in an overcompensating of sound of internal noise. Hearing tests are considered major tools in the treatment of chronic tinnitus.
In many cases, the doctor’s determine that the hearing aid has been the root cause of the chronic tinnitus condition. Hearing aids have also been considered important tools in the fight against tinnitus. This is because the hearing aid increases the level of external noise, and the external noise can then regulate that of the internal noise. The internal noise can then be ‘drowned out’, which provides enormous relief to the sufferer. This is why hearing aids are considered to be an extremely popular treatment for tinnitus.
These two treatments are actually only used in small numbers of chronic tinnitus cases, as there are many other factors at work in tinnitus sufferer’s conditions.
Other so-called natural remedies have gained an enormous following, in large part due to the failure of conventional medicine to tackle this problem.
The majority of these natural tinnitus remedies may be tried and tested from within the confines of one’s home.

One of the best Natural Treatments for Chronic tinnitus is Tinnitus Miracle (tm): tinnitus, which can be found here


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